


In person financial aid services are centralized for all CR locations at the Eureka campus. 



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9 am-4pm

11 am-3pm 






If you do not make your loan payments you will become delinquent on your loan and will be at risk of defaulting on your student loan. Defaulting on your loan will result in your student loan being sent to collections. We are going to go over some key information about what happens if you default on your student loan and what the options are of getting your loans back to good standing. These options are for student loans that are through the Department of Education, not all student loans go through the Department of Education such as private student loans.




Your student loan will become delinquent the day after you miss a payment, 即使你错过了一次付款,你以后开始付款, 在你偿还逾期款项之前,你仍然是拖欠的.


如果你逾期超过90天, your loan servicer will report the delinquency to all the major national credit bureaus, 这会降低你的信用评分,影响你的财务状况. With a poor credit score you will have difficulty obtaining credit cards, 汽车贷款和各种消费信贷. 你也可能很难获得手机套餐, getting approved to rent an apartment and even signing up for utilities.


If you find you are having difficulty making payments on your student loans, 总是联系你的贷款服务商. There are lots of options available to help keep your loan in good standing. 其中一些选择包括: 延期付款,延期付款, or 改变你的还款计划.




以威廉·D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program or the Federal Family Education Loan Program, you’re considered to be in default if you don’t make your scheduled student loan payments for a period of at least 270 days (about nine months).


When you default on your student loan a series of consequences will occur, 这些后果如下:

  • The entire unpaid balance becomes immediately due including any interest that is owed.
  • 你失去了请求尊重或宽容的能力, 你也失去了选择还款计划的能力.
  • 你将失去获得学生经济援助的资格.
  • 你的信用将进一步受到影响, 你将无法购买汽车, 买房或办理信用卡.
  • 退还的税款可以扣缴,用于拖欠贷款.
  • 你的工资将被扣减.
  • 你可能会被贷款人告上法庭.
  • 你将承担法庭指控的责任, 收集费用, 律师费用, 以及收集过程中的其他成本.
  • 重建良好的信用记录可能需要数年时间.
  • College of the Redwoods can withhold your academic records such as your transcripts.








你知道谁是你的贷款服务商吗? 你知道你是拖欠债务还是拖欠债务吗? 如果您不知道这些问题的答案,请访问 www.studentaid.政府 并使用您的FSA ID和密码登录. 您将能够看到您当前的贷款债务, 您当前的贷款服务机构和贷款的当前状态. 如果您没有FSA ID和密码,您可以创建一个. If you have been locked out of your FSA ID and admin support is needed, 请致电FSA ID帮助中心:1-800-433-3243.


If you are a College of the Redwoods student or were a College of the Redwoods student, 你可以皇冠365官方app的财政援助办公室,电话:707-476-4182或 StudentLoanAssistance@518331.com.



有三种选择可以摆脱贷款违约. 选项1. 全额支付违约贷款,选项2. 合并违约贷款,或选项3. 恢复你拖欠的贷款. We recommend calling the defaulted student loan line through the Department of Education to get detailed information on how these options work for your particular situation, 请拨打1-800-621-3115. 申请这些选项是免费的. Third parties may contact you and try charging a fee to do this on your behalf, 但他们不隶属于教育部. Use the expanders below to learn more about each option, including pros and cons.


You may pay off the defaulted loan debt by contacting your loan holder, 要了解谁持有您的违约贷款,请访问 www.studentaid.政府 或者拨打1-800-621-3115.


Loan consolidation allows you to pay off one or more federal student loans with a new consolidation loan. To consolidate a federal student loan, you must do one of the following:

    • Agree to repay the new consolidated direct loan under an income driven repayment plan.


    • 连续三次, 自愿的, 准时, monthly payments on the defaulted loans before consolidating the defaulted loan.


    • 摆脱违约的最快方法
    • Eligible for: forbearance, deferment, loan forgiveness, and to receive financial aid.


    • 还款计划选择的限制
    • 违约贷款将不会从信用记录中删除


Loan rehabilitation allows you to make payments on the defaulted loan with the ability to get the loan out of default and back into good standing. In order to rehabilitate a defaulted loan you must agree to the following:

    • 书面同意自愿履行九项义务, reasonable and affordable monthly payments (determined by loan holder) 截止日期后20天内.
    • Make all nine (9) payments during a period of ten (10) consecutive months.

If you can’t afford the initial monthly payment amount as determined, you can ask your loan holder to calculate an alternative monthly payment based on the amount of your monthly income that remains after reasonable amounts for your monthly expenses have been subtracted.

Depending on your income, your monthly payments could be as LOW as $5 a month.

注:恢复一个违约的联邦帕金斯贷款, 你必须每个月付全额, 截止日期后20天内, 连续九个月. Your required monthly payment amount is determined by your loan holder.


    • Eligible for: forbearance, deferment, loan forgiveness, repayment plans and to receive financial aid.
    • 违约贷款将从信用记录中删除


    • One-time option, do not miss a payment and do not default on the loan again.
    • 花费的时间比贷款合并要长
    • 如果你被拖欠工资, w年龄 garnishment will continue until the loan is fully rehabilitated.




If you are ready to consolidate your student loan or begin the rehabilitation process, 你可以从打电话或网上申请开始. We recommend that students call the Department of Education to learn more about what their options are and to receive guidance on the application process. 申请巩固或康复时, make sure your student loan is through the department of education. It is possible that your defaulted loan was not sent to the Department of Education and is being held by the guarantor and their loan servicer.





  • If your student loan is held by collections through the Department of Education, 电话:1-800-621-3115
  • If your student loan is being held by a different servicer, please contact that servicer.




  • If your student loan is held by collections through the Department of Education, 电话:1-800-621-3115
  • If your student loan is being held by a different servicer, please contact that servicer.
